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Meta-Dental Lab

Outsourcing Reimagined, Expand the possibilities

Simplified Digital Workflow

Our Mission

Integrate digital workflows and provide seamless collaboration between our manufacturing facility and your dental lab, helping you scale your production.

Met-Dental’s Global Service Centers

Digital Ecosystem

Synchronize your dental lab with Meta Dental’s production line

Seamless Workflow

Efficient communication and individualize preferences for every lab and case

Global Digital Network

Access to global manufacturing network to scale your lab and grow

Add Meta-Dental To Your Digital Workflow

A Complete Digital Dental Ecosystem

Meta-Dental’s ecosystem enables dental labs to outsource – efficiently – in partnership with a network of premium global manufacturing that specialize in digital workflows.

Always Here To Help!

24/7 Customer Support 916-398-2770

Let’s work together to scale your production

Call 916-398-2770 to elevate your digital workflow production